Tips for a Sensory-Friendly Halloween


Halloween is right around the corner and while it is a highly anticipated event for many children, it can be a challenging time for those with sensory processing differences. With the wide array of sounds, sights and textures, Halloween is a sensory-rich holiday that can be  overwhelming. But, with a bit of planning and consideration of each  child’s unique strengths and needs, families can enjoy the festivities while navigating the many sensory experiences that Halloween brings!

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It’s Reflexive! Retained Reflexes and Their Effect on Development


Retained primitive reflexes are immature movement patterns that can often have effects on a child’s overall development. Naturally, these reflexes should “integrate” or disappear during infancy. When a reflex is retained, more mature movement patterns are not developed, which can have an effect on sensory integration, posture, executive functioning skills, and overall neuroplasticity. Recognizing and treating these retained reflexes can have a big impact on a child’s overall development. 

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