Ask an Expert: Clinical Setting Occupational Therapy

How do occupational therapy services look different in a school than a clinic setting??

School-based occupational therapists observe, assess, and address the child’s strengths and needs within the natural school settings (e.g., classroom, lunchroom, playground) in order to support the student’s educational program. Services may be directed to the child and on behalf of the child in the school environment (e.g., training educational staff).

Hospital and clinic-based occupational therapists typically assess and address the child’s strengths and needs in a clinic setting in order to support participation in life activities. The focus in non-school settings may be more varied and may or may not address specific educational needs.

Craft Day: Paper Plate Bird Craft

This Paper Plate Bird Craft is so cute and easy.  It’s a great spring craft for kids to make!

For the paper plate bird craft, you’ll need:

White 9″ Paper Plates – 100 Count (or cardboard circle)

First fold the paper plates in half.  Put out a pallet of acrylic paints in assorted colours, and the kids can paint their birds however they wish. Next, we glued on the feathers, eyes and the beak.

For the tail, I grabbed several strips of the construction paper and I folded them in half, kind of fanning the strips out a bit, and we stapled those to the tail end of the birds.

Fold your bird back in half, and you’re done!

If your bird won’t stay folded, simply tape a piece of yarn or string to the inside, holding both halves of the plate together, while leaving about an inch and a half gap between them.

Now when you place your bird on a hard surface, you can “rock” it.


Rain Day: Splish-Splash!

Playing With Just Your Imagination:

Make the most of the rainy spring season – get outside and let kids jump, splash, and play in the puddles!  Encourage them to act like different water animals leaping from pond to pond, make “boats” out of items from nature to float in the water, or just have fun with some good old-fashioned puddle jumping!